Unconventional colour combos: the design trick you didn’t know you’ve been coveting

Ahhh, colour. Many stagers embrace colour, buttt here’s the thing – it’s not always done well. I tend to stick to neutrals and lots of texture when I am staging, but when I do throw colour into the mix, I like to use thoughtful combos that keep things fresh and interesting. The trick? Don’t be afraid of the road less travelled! The non-traditional choice can make for a truly beautiful vibe that oozes creativity. 

Here’s a fun game: dig back to some of those Instagram posts or Pinterest pins you’ve saved (#homegoals!) and take stock of what colours are being used. I guarantee that your favourite spaces will include some intriguing colour combos that you hadn’t considered — or even noticed, at first glance. That’s the trademark of a well-designed room: colours should work with the other elements in the space to pull it all together, so the colour doesn’t stand out in the way you may expect. Not so sure? Check them saved posts and get back to me!

Case in point: One of my favourite spaces designed by Sarah Sherman Samuel for Garance Dore features a nudey pink sofa paired with a cobalt blue chairs and it’s AMAZING!

Anyway. Here are some other unconventional colour combinations I’ve been looooving, as of late:

Orange + Black

Nude + Green

Bordeaux + Pink

What surprising colour trends are cropping up in your favourites these days?!

Share in the comments below! 


One Room Challenge: Reveal


One Room Challenge: Week 4