Bedroom Re:Fresh


The Bedroom Re:Fresh Guide is an easy to follow decor plan for your bedroom or guest bedroom which includes bedding and pillow combinations along with curated artwork to elevate your bedroom on your own timeline and budget.

It’s time for you to feel your best at home and to be proud of the space you create. Let’s Re:Fresh your space!

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What’s included:

  • Curated items with shoppable/clickable links to our favourite sources

  • Four room themes

  • Bed and pillow combinations for each room theme

  • Curated artwork for each room theme

  • Product and decor options for every budget

  • Tangible tips on how to exactly style your space the Re:Creative way

What happens if something sells out:

Every item is available at the time of the release of these guides. If something sells out within 2 weeks of your purchase, please contact us and we will send you a link to a similar item.